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Kartini Day 2021: The Role of Midwives on Women’s Health in Indonesia

Every year, April 21st is celebrated as Kartini Day. Kartini Day was celebrated to dedicate R.A. Kartini as a National hero. She is known for her role as a hero who spearheaded the rise of indigenous Indonesian women. Until now, the figure of R.A Kartini continues to be an inspiration for many women in Indonesia. Thanks to her, women have the same rights and opportunities to pursue higher education, achieve their dreams, and have a better life. Without Kartini’s struggle, maybe at this time, there would not be great and tough female figures who played a role in advancing Indonesia.

This includes the synergy role of women in the health sector. At that time, Kartini criticized a lot about access to health that was only accessible to priyayi groups. In fact, this should be accessible to all groups regardless of class. In addition, there are not many schools for indigenous women, especially health schools. Even though the mortality rate for mothers and children at that time was quite high. This is due to the high school fees. R.A. Kartini wanted to fight for the girls around her to get a better education. In the end, in 1898 the Dutch East Indies government established a free midwife school for indigenous women. With the establishment of this school, it is hoped that more girls will take up midwifery education so that it can increase the number of qualified midwives at that time. It is hoped that the increasing number of qualified midwives will improve the level of health for future generations and reduce maternal and child mortality.

Therefore, besides being known as a profession that helps in childbirth assistance, the profession of midwife is also synonymous with women and has a relationship with Kartini’s Day. These days, the struggle of midwives and other health workers is to build a future generation that is bright and accomplished. Midwives contribute greatly in providing care for pregnant women and providing delivery assistance for them. The tough tasks held by the midwifery profession cannot be carried alone without support from the government and other sectors.

Summit Institute for Development as a non-governmental organization engaged in scientific research and development that focuses on improving the quality of maternal and child health services has taken part in supporting and creating quality midwives through several programs we run. One of them is through the development of a health digital system as a platform that can be used to facilitate the duties of health workers in Indonesia, especially the midwife profession.

The platform, called OpenSRP, which stands for Open Smart Register Platform Register, is intended to assist midwives in monitoring the condition of pregnant women and their development according to WHO standards. Starting from monitoring patient medical records such as antenatal care, planning for delivery, postpartum care, infant care, toddler growth and development, vaccinations, to family planning. The use of digital platforms like this is a form of innovation to keep up with the increasingly rapid developments in technology. In addition to reducing manual workloads, it is hoped that OpenSRP can make it easier for midwives to collect accurate data in real-time.

Not only that, SID also facilitates OpenSRP user by providing various training in the form of OpenSRP application training and midwifery competency training and every midwife who is an OpenSRP user is also given assistance by our staff. This effort is made to support the quality of frontline health workers in order to provide optimal health services for the community. We SID wish you a Happy Kartini Day to all women in Indonesia. Whatever your profession, race, religion, or ethnicity, be a lamp that never goes out, always shining with the intelligence you have.

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