On January 24 to 25 2024, a special event: Socialization of the NextGen Program was held to mark a big step for family welfare improvement and accelerated integrated primary health care. With a passionate theme,"Improving Family Welfare and Accelerating Integration of Primary Health Services (ILP) through Integrated Team-Based Health Services," this event is also a symbol of significant progress in the world of public health.

The Head of the Health Services Division of the East Lombok District Health Service, H. Lalu Aries Fahrozi, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. gave speech
The event started with a ceremonial opening and a moment of prayer, creating the atmosphere for a meaningful and blessed event. A warm welcome and introductory remarks were delivered by the Chair of The Executive Board (CEO) from the Summit Institute for Development (SID), provides insight into SID's collaboration with the Ministry of Health in the Launch of the ILP and Primary Health Care (PHC) Consortium, as well as advocacy and follow-up on the Acceleration of Digitalization in the NextGen Program and ILP.

Remark from the Chair of The Executive Board Summit Institute for Development, Yuni Dwi Setiyawati
In order to launch the NextGen Program in West Lombok Regency, various key figures from various agencies joined. Arief Suryawirawan, S.SI., APT., MPH (Head of West Lombok District Health Service) representing the Regent of West Lombok (Bupati), gave the opening speech and officially opened the NextGen Program event. Wine Frida, S.ST (Head of Public Health), Fri Noviani, S.KM (Head of Family Health Section), and Mutmainah, Head of Social and Cultural Planning at the West Lombok Regency Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), also attended this activity. In addition, 15 Puskesmas representatives and 59 village representatives participated, making important contributions to the initiation of the implementation of the NextGen Program at the puskesmas and village levels.

Speech by the Head of the West Lombok District Health Service, Arief Suryawirawan, S.SI., APT., MPH
Not only in West Lombok Regency, the NextGen Program is also being socialized in East Lombok Regency. Assistant for Government and Community Welfare, Hadi Fathurrahman, S.Sos, as well as several officials from the East Lombok Regency Health Service and Bappeda, such as H. Lalu Aries Fahrozi (Head of Health Services), Rita Rinjani (Sub Coordinator of Primary Health Services, Accreditation and Traditional Health), dr. Maizar Rahman (Sub Coordinator for Family Health), and M. Khairul Fathi, Head of the Government and Human Development (P2M) Division of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) actively participated in the event. Also present were representatives from 29 Community Health Centers and 61 villages in the East Lombok Regency working area who took part in discussing this health initiative. All these stakeholders collaborate to achieve the goal of better public health in both districts.

The NextGen Program Launch Activity was attended by the District Head, District Health Office, Head of Community Health Center, and Village Head
In an inspiring session, SID CEO, Yuni Dwi Setiyawati, took us a step closer regarding the NextGen Project. With passion, he detailed the lofty goals, sophisticated strategies, and expected positive impacts of this innovative project on the welfare of society. Through an engaging visual presentation, he demonstrated the NextGen intervention package, presenting the practical aspects of this program that directly benefit the community The participants not only listened, but were also directly involved, gaining unforgettable experiences about the potential benefits that can be achieved through the NextGen Project.
Some documentation during the event...

Explanation of advocacy and follow-up to the Digitalization Acceleration in the NextGen Program and ILP Acceleration

A Booth provided by SID for invited guests to introduce NextGen applications
This demo flow provides a complete overview of the implementation of the NextGen Program which involves various stages of activities in it. The process begins with family registration of pregnant women by cadres via the OpenSRP 2.0 application, which includes examining toddlers at the posyandu, synchronizing the application, and examining pregnant women by midwives. Data collected from various activities is then processed to find service gaps (care gap) and data quality, which allows the team to provide assistance and reminders to pregnant women via WhatsApp messages.
Next, the ultrasound visit schedule is arranged via the Call Center. The demo from the data analyst team highlighted effective data processing and demonstrated a dashboard that could be accessed by village heads, heads of community health centers/programs, health departments and other stakeholders. The entire flow of this demo emphasizes technology integration, pregnancy monitoring, mentoring, and dashboards for action as an integral part of the NextGen Program to improve health services for pregnant women and babies and the wider community.

Demonstration of the flow of implementation of NextGen activities at posyandu for pregnant women and toddlers
After the presentation and demonstration of the NextGen Program, a question and answer session raised important issues. Key focuses include community accessibility, village participation, data security, and integration with existing health systems. Questions also arise regarding community understanding, and the direct contribution of applications/programs. Responses from related parties show application mapping by the Ministry of Health, emphasis on data transformation for village access, and hopes for integration with SatuSehat.
Even though there are concerns regarding the large number of applications in health, it is hoped that the NextGen Program can provide direct benefits with data used in the regions, for the regions and back to the community. This expands the reach of using information for action, and remains connected to the existing health system because the NextGen system also uses the same data exchange standards as those used in Indonesia, namely FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources).

The NextGen Program Launch Activity was a two-way interactive event
Discussion of follow-up plans provides an opportunity for stakeholders to shape future plans for the NextGen Program. The implementation team, after discussions, formulates a comprehensive plan in close collaboration with various parties. Training and follow-up implementation plans will be prepared together. With this plan, it is hoped that the NextGen Program can run effectively and increase health of mothers, children and the wider community.

Randomization session of the sequence of stages of implementing the NextGen program
The event closed with a closing ceremony, expressing gratitude to participants and stakeholders. The group photo immortalizes the collective commitment to health progress in the West Lombok and East Lombok regions. It is hoped that this event will have a positive impact on society and pave the way to a healthier future. With active participation from government officials, health practitioners and community representatives, the NextGen Program is expected to be a sustainable innovation for the health of the people of West Lombok, East Lombok and other districts across Indonesia.

From left to right. M. Khairul Fathi (Head of Government and Human Development (P2M) Regional Development Planning Agency), Hadi Fathurrahman, S.Sos (Assistant for Government and Community Welfare), Yuni Dwi Setiyawati (Chief of The Executive Board Summit Institute for Development), and H. Lalu Aries Fahrozi (Head of Health Services Division of East Lombok Health Service)
Together, we will bring about positive change and create a better health future with NextGen!
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