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Summit Institute of Development (SID) Contribution to the Prevention of the COVID-19 Outbreak


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Entering its peak stage in June 2020, the COVID-19 Task Force announced that there was a 993 positive case increase in one day, with a total of 30,514 confirmed cases as of June 6, 2020. Ever since the outbreak happened, all sectors, both government and private institutions, have been trying to prevent more widespread transmission to occur. One of those institutions is the Summit Institute of Development (SID). SID is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) in the health sector that focuses on maternal and child health. SID programs aim to reduce maternal and child mortality rates that are still high, especially in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and several regions in Indonesia. Besides that, SID also utilizes the technology to support the success of the programs. One of the examples is the THRIVE program which uses the OpenSRP platform, call, and SMS reminder to continuously monitor and educate pregnant women through smartphones. During the COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia, knowledge and educational material about COVID-19 was included in the program to prevent transmission to pregnant women, postpartum mothers, and children, and help them to maintain health despite the outbreak.

Patient call activities were conducted to inquire about information regarding the health services provided for pregnant women, postpartum mothers, and children, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as educating women on COVID-19. Several questions which were asked in this activity, such as whether mothers received healthcare services during pregnancy, healthcare that has not been obtained by the mothers, house visit service by healthcare, concerning health conditions, birth plans, confirmation whether patients receive SMS care related to OpenSRP, knowledge about how to prevent COVID-19 transmission, and social media ownership. The call activities are conducted to women who check themselves at midwives who are doing a collaboration with SID through OpenSRP, under the patient’s consent. Then the SID team will request for the patient’s data every week and do follow up with call patient activity.

The SMS reminder is a delivery of information and education around pregnancy that is tailored to the gestational age of the clients. During the outbreak, information regarding COVID-19 and its prevention became an important topic, especially for pregnant women. SMS reminders are done every weekday which is divided into two parts. On Monday and Thursday, the messages contain educational information for pregnant women like antenatal care, while on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday the messages contain education about COVID-19 and how to prevent it. Few examples of the message that was sent are the definition and origins of COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19, preventive action to avoid COVID-19, traveling guidance during the outbreak, management mental health to avoid panic and anxiety, how to practice clean and healthy life behavior, and suggestions to contact health care provider for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) services and counseling related to COVID-19 regarding the reproductive health and family planning or ‘Keluarga Berencana’ (KB) programs.

SID seeks to provide the best service for patients during pregnancy and after childbirth, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak which makes pregnant women more vulnerable to acquire the Coronavirus Disease 2019.

Writer: Ardina Ulya Editor: Iqmi Qaisah, Iffa Permatasari, Irza Husmelinda Translator: Irza Husmelinda

Contributor: Fitri Widowati, Tony Christian

Source: SID Science and Coaching Team

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