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World Health Day 2020: Let’s Support Nurse and Midwife

The whole community will commemorate World Health Day on 7 April 2020. Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) campaigns on the theme of World Health Day. The theme of World Health Day 2020 is “Support Nurses and Midwives”.

Why nurses and midwives? This theme is carried out to support the important role of nurses and midwives in health services and support the world for healthy maintenance. Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses and midwives must be responsive, provide good care and become the frontline as communicators with patients to reduce fear. In some cases, they also help to collect patients’ clinical data.

Nurses and midwives play an important role in achieving global and national targets such as universal health coverage, improving maternal and child health, controlling communicable and non-communicable diseases and emergencies. There needs to be an appreciation for what nurses and midwives have done around the world. Improving the quality and investment of nurses and midwives for the future is also a WHO plan to ensure that everyone will get the health care they need.

This is in line with the Summit Institute of Development which develops a digital health system as a platform to support the work of health workers in Indonesia. The digital health platform is intended to help health workers, especially midwives, monitor the condition of pregnant women throughout the pregnancy stages in accordance with WHO standards to avoid complications and other undesirable outcomes. The rapid development of technology today encourages health workers to utilize technology in health services. In addition to reducing manual workload, this makes it easy for midwives to collect accurate data in real-time. This digital health platform is known as OpenSRP, stands for “Open Smart Register Platform Register”, which aimed at patient medical records such as antenatal care, delivery planning, and vaccination. As well as providing various information, training, and tools to support the quality of frontline health workers.

OpenSRP is the real support action of the Summit Institute of Development (SID) for health workers to provide maximum healthcare and services. It not only reduces maternal and child mortality, but also ensures that all people stay healthy with accurate data that can be monitored with the help of advanced technology.

Happy World Health Day 2020. Let’s support all nurses and midwives in Indonesia!

Writer : Ardina Ulya Editor : Inraini Fitria Syah, Iffa Karina Permatasari Contributor : Iffa Karina Permatasari , Mazidatun Maftukhah Translator : Mazidatun Maftukhah

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